Diagnostic Kits

InnoChem Reagents - High Quality, Safe, Cost Effective and Ease of Use. 

Innovation Scientific offers more than 90 optimized reagents for routine and special diagnostics. The reagents are liquid-stable and ready-to-use, show excellent stability and outstanding performance. InnoChem reagents are provided in various kits for multi-purpose or automated use on common clinical chemistry analyzers. 

Why Choose InnoChem?

  • InnoChem offers wide range of chemistries
  • Liquid ready-to-use reagents available on different platform includes Hitachi™, BECKMAN AU™, Architect C™, Aeroset™ and Konelab™ range of chemistry analysers providing you with freedom of choice from an independent manufacturer
  • Automated applications for a wide range of clinical analysers
  • Excellent correlation to reference methods
  • Wide measuring ranges
  • Flexible pack size suits different level of customers


Drug Abuse Testing Device


COVID-19 Testing Device

COVID-19 Rapid Test

Chemistry Reagent

Reagents group (2)